Sunday, April 7, 2019

With you, always

My sister-in-law and her husband graduated from ISB, Hyderabad this year. My husband went to Hyderabad to be a part of this convocation. Me and my daughter could not join him, hence he went on his own. Incidentally at the Hyderabad airport, he met a couple who were also going to ISB for their son's convocation. All of them took the same cab to go to ISB.

On noticing that my husband was travelling alone, uncle asked him why I am not accompanying him. My husband replied saying that I have some other commitments and hence I am not accompanying him. But this questioning did not stop there. Uncle further probed my husband if that was really the reason why I wasn't accompanying him. He was like are there any issues in our marriage? He went on to market further that he is a marriage counseler and we could go to him if we had any issues.

When my husband told me this, I did not know how to react. Just to get business, a marriage counselor tried to find fault in the marriage of a new acquaintance. Secondly if he truly thought that travelling together always was a hallmark of a successful relationship, I only have one thing to say- save his wife and his counselles too:)

My husband and I had promised each other right since the beginning that we would be with each other always. That doesn't imply we would go to each place and occassion together. That just means, I will be there with you each and every time you need me.

Ultimately I am With you, always !


Monday, April 1, 2019

There is no right Mama

And so April is finally here..The national poetry writing month #NaPoWriMo. I managed to write poems daily in April 2018 and hope to write even a few this time. The first one for today is taking cue from Today's prompt and discussing about being a "Mama". Society wants moms to fit a certain image. A mom wonders whether she is the right mama. I myself don't know if I am the right mama. But my experience of being a mom to my almost 4 year old makes me write this. To all moms out there, I wish to say- Don't be to harsh on yourselves. Be kind , your child understands you and loves you..
There is no right mama
There is no wrong mama
But there is a loving mama
And a mama with the right intent
How can be the best mama, I wonder
Has my baby been fed well, I ponder
Take each day as it comes, I say
Plan well while expecting some of it to fail
Some days are excellent
Some days are worse
But you know what—
Your baby needs and loves you despite the day’s outcome
Be kind to yourself, Slow down a bit
Never allow sarcasms to pull you down even a slight bit
Create your own village to help raise your child
Do not expect help from selfish people at any mile
Some people will go the extra mile to help
Some people purposely won’t
A child grows up nonetheless, a mother has enough power
Be your own true self , your child needs you
Do not be a “should be mama” that people want you to
There is no right mama
There is no wrong mama
But there is a loving mama
And a mama with the right intent

Varan bhat

  In the first month of our marriage, my husband visited my mom's for dinner. I wasn't joining, so my mom asked what to make. I come...