" If you have money, everyone will give you gifts. But when you don't have anything, hardly anyone would give you anything. Those that help during those trying times, matter" my Aaji( grandma) would say. By God's grace and my parents hard work , I never had to struggle for basic necessities in life. Hence there was no trying time on those parameters as such. Therefore I always felt my aaji's sayings to be too philosophical and old bookish too. But as time passed ,we grew up and experienced the true meaning of her sayings. How when everything is going on well in life, people come to party. But if you need some help( not necessary monetary) , most of those would turn their back. Think of how many people would bother to make a genuine call and help during hospitalisation? How many would help a genuine and needy relative?
Its X’mas and the holiday season. The season when Santa Claus gives gifts to people. Does a real Santa Claus exist? For me , it does. That Santa Claus who gave me gifts of help and support when I needed it the most. He is the one who helped me without any expectation of return. The Santa who gave me all the support, motivation and help when I probably didn’t do as well in life. The Santa who will stay to support me in a house as small as a 1 Room Kitchen house without any complaints.
Honestly ,now for most of us our job provides us enough to fulfil the basic necessities of life. We do not need a Santa to provide us material gifts..All we need is good people around us to lean on. When my aunt was sick with cancer, my mama who is a doctor who provided all the support during her treatment. Similarly there are many occasion like this where many well wishers come to help. For me they are the real Santas..The true heroes and gift givers..If you have such Santas, take a moment to thank them this holiday season. .
Cheers and Happy Holiday Season !