My poem for #NaPoWriMo2018 Day29..
Talks about what-ifs and uncertainty
Talks about what-ifs and uncertainty
What if I don’t crack GMAT
What if I don’t pass the interviews
What if I don’t get my dream job
What if my kid doesn’t get well soon
What if my job turns stressful too soon
What if I can’t manage home and work both
What if my parents are not well
What if I can’t help them when they are unwell
What if they are alone at that moment
This list of what-ifs is never ending
There will always be worries impending
Not worrying may not be the solution
But preparing and doing your best in the moment maybe the answer
There will always be what - ifs
What is life without its uncertainty
Some things will go wrong
Some things will go right
What’s important is taking both wins and losses in your stride
Let the what-ifs not shaken your confidence
Do the best in your present and let the future will do justice to your competence
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